I've had a lot of questions about how to get a book. We were still working on the details, but here you go!
Saturday, July 13th from 11:30-2:30 there will be a selling/signing open house
St Thomas the Apostle Church
Father Prus Hall
31530 Beechwood Ave
Garden City, MI 48135
Light refreshments will be provided
If you can't make it to the event, but live close, let me know and we can get together
If you can't get to the event and live far away but want an autographed copy, buy one on my website and I will send it to you.
If you don't want an autographed copy, you can get it from Amazon, by searching for Liz Orvis
Autographed Copy: $20
Autographed Copy Shipped: $25
On Amazon: $20
At the even I am also going to have leftover copies of the book I had a chapter published in, Overcoming Mediocrity, for $5
I am doing a fundraiser where I will sell books for $10 to be donated to locations where there are people with serious mental illnesses that may not be able to afford a book but could really benefit from it.
Thank you SO much for all your support! Please reach out if you have any questions.