Dirty things are rough for sure
And exposure is the only cure
But I don't want to touch what’s slimy
It makes me feel all gross and grimy
Raw chicken, lotion, and handmade bread
I'd rather be struck by some lightning instead
But I won't give up, I will take them face on
I'll feel the anxiety, but be relieved when it's gone
When I do get dirty my brain kicks on
It tells me I am satan's spawn
I didn't even know what that could mean
But after looking it up, I want to be clean.
I don't know why it tricks me so
It lies about things I already know
But it's just so confusing, I fall in the trap
It wears me out so that I need a nap
But the last few days I gave it a try
And I was surprised that no one died
So I guess I'll keep trying, I'll do my best
And all my supports will help with the rest
So if you are struggling with various obsessions
And compulsions are causing anxiety or depression
Take it head on, just give it a go
And will it help? You never know